Sunday, June 6, 2010

3 Popular Websites: Within my market segment

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3 Popular Websites: Within my market segment

In analyzing three popular websites that found within the category of media production services it was hard to nail down the top 3 sites in all actuality. However I was able to analyze 3 companies that I mentioned in my previous initial discussion post from earlier this week. Upon doing so, it also became clear to me some of those mentioned were not considered good sites by design according to

With that being said the 3 sites I chose to analyze were, and As for, I had not mentioned them within my previous discussion post because they were not found within the first 2 pages of a Google search under the category of audiovisual production. However I have come across them with previous research of companies that I’d be interested in modeling my business after.

Upon analysis of their website data with, I learned that they rated pretty high in regard to their overall website grade, with an index of 83. The traffic for the past 6 months, I noticed has been on the decline. However this would indicate to me that once users visit the site they then seek out alternative means by which to contact the company. Also I would imagine that the rough shape of the economy at the moment does not help either. Their site tends to be frequented by males aged 25-34 with no children and graduate level educated and tend to browse the site from their home.

The second site, which I sought out, was This site received an even higher website grade of 89. This site has been on the rise since losing over 600,000 visitors just over 6 months ago. Again with this site it tends to be visited by males with no children, but the age demographic is slightly older at 45-54 and a college level education. Also I noticed that with the majority of their visits came from outside the US.

A third company that I chose to analyze was, who happen to be rather big within the market producing infomercials for the late great pitchman Billy Mays. This site did receive an above average website of 72, but just barely. Also this site appeared to be more frequently visited from that of the female gender, age 45-54, with children, a minimal college education, and typically browse this site from home. Also over the past 6 months the site traffic here has been declining.

Based on the assessment of this data, I would generally describe my industry’s target audience as being educated, male, aged 25-54 with typically no children. The data that I collected from was used to support these findings.

Furthermore, typically users tend to also query topics such as media production, media production services, film production companies and infomercial production companies.

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